A Kafila of Brown Sahibs and Memsahibs?

by Ritwik on October 13, 2010

By muzzling the Nirmohis on a matter inextricably linked to them, not only does Kafila show intellectual arrogance, but a rather unfortunate sense of cultural and linguistic superiority which is a relic of the colonial episteme. Kafila should know that if they open their eyes to this, they can discard what we can call, the Educated Brown Man’s Burden, and this will enrich both their understanding and analysis.

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Muzzled by Kafila.org?

by Ritwik on October 5, 2010

I posted the above comment at Kafila.org this afternoon. It appears to have been rejected/deleted without assigning any reason. Comments made after mine have made their way on the website, which would indicate that my comment has been rejected/deleted/held till “higher authorities” take a call.As for the high and mighty writing on Kafila, I would advise that they amend their comment policy to add sarcasm to the list of undesirable traits.

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