Posts Tagged “india”

We Must Boycott the Fundamentally Discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens

by Ritwik on December 18, 2019

India’s Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 and the National Register of Citizens are fundamentally discriminatory against Muslim immigrants and must be boycotted.

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Why Government Surveillance of Political Funding Imperils Democracy

by Ritwik on April 27, 2018

The presence of unique secret codes on electoral bonds raises the spectre of government monitoring of political funding.

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this is the kind of lazy, blinkered reportage

by Ritwik on July 9, 2013

As if both ‘Hinduism’ and ‘Buddhism’ [both isms are by the way recent constructs made by westerners] are monolithic entities with all of Buddhism being ‘rational’ [um, Tibetan Buddhism?] and all of Hinduism being ‘mystic’ [um, nyaya or sankhya or for that matter the philosophical part of Advaita Vedanta?]

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Corruption, Cash Transfer and Crony Capitalism

by Ritwik on October 22, 2012

We may all have loved office, office and certainly the bribes demanded by a small-time [or big-time] babu to get essential stuff done are insidious and frustrating, but to conceive of corruption primarily in these terms would be a grave folly.

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A Padma for courage?

by Ritwik on March 26, 2011

I can think of no reason why Mrs. Neelam Katara, Ms. Sabrina Lall and and Mr. Chaman Lall Mattoo should not be awarded for distinguished public service. Each of these individuals managed to overcome personal tragedy to fight against the most rotten substructure of the Indian state. Their courage helped restore, albielt to a limited degree, a measure of faith in the criminal justice system of India.

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What Manmohan doesn’t know…

by Ritwik on February 11, 2011

A note to the PM’s spin doctors – the people would prefer that Manmohan knew about all these scams. It’s probably better to have a cunning and corrupt prime minister than one who has no idea of what members of his government are up to.

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A Few Questions On Roy, Geelani, Kashmir etc.

by Ritwik on November 2, 2010

“India is a fake democracy”. Repeat after me. “India is a hindu upper caste state”. Oh good, come and join the left-liberal bandwagon. Now that you are an admitted member of the club, child, go on and say whatever the fuck that comes to your mind – but remember, the more caustic you make it, the higher you will rise in the ranks. And don’t you forget to collect all state-funded scholarships on the way. My question is, why is the (still numerous) genuine left-liberal opinion in this country, of which I consider myself a tiny and insignificant part, allowing this scam to take place in its name?

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A Kafila of Brown Sahibs and Memsahibs?

by Ritwik on October 13, 2010

By muzzling the Nirmohis on a matter inextricably linked to them, not only does Kafila show intellectual arrogance, but a rather unfortunate sense of cultural and linguistic superiority which is a relic of the colonial episteme. Kafila should know that if they open their eyes to this, they can discard what we can call, the Educated Brown Man’s Burden, and this will enrich both their understanding and analysis.

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Yet Another Non-implementable Law

by Ritwik on July 17, 2010

It is obvious that the proposed bill to prevent child abuse in India is yet another act of over-zealousness which seeks to achieve social objectives by force of law, rather than investing in necessary social and cultural reform. It will be non-implementable, because of its sheer impracticality. That does not bother me as much as the fact that unlike the equally stupid anti-smoking law, the proposed bill has inherently greater scope for misuse and harassment.

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Barbaric Attack on Kerala Professor: A Few Questions

by Ritwik on July 9, 2010

I don’t understand why the police needed to assure church leaders that the perpetrators of this attack will be brought to justice? Surely these “chruch leaders” should have been incensed regardless of the religious affiliation of the victim? this episode would not have even become a news story had the attackers not committed the tactical error of chopping off Joseph’s hand. As it is, they had him on the run.

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