NDTV discussion on suspension of Uber and other taxi aggregators

by Ritwik on December 10, 2014

NDTV discussion hosted by Ravish Kumar in which I participated. The topic was the suspension of services of Uber and other taxi aggregators in light of allegations that an Uber driver raped a passenger.

The points that I made on the show are similar to the ones I made here

NDTV discussion

NDTV discussion

NDTV Discussion(screengrabs by Neelakshi Tewari)

Link to the full video


You made some excellent points. Curious, are you a student or practitioner of public policy?

by Naan on December 10, 2014 at 7:40 am. #

The reality is that there is a MYTH and PERCEPTION of law in India. Almost everyone knows that the value chain of certification is so weak and broken that it’s not impossible for a penguin to get a flying license in India :-) When will India wake up and realize that we are building skyscrapers on a sh%tty foundation?

by Naan on December 10, 2014 at 7:42 am. #

Neither. I am a student, researcher and teacher of Philosophy.

by Ritwik on December 10, 2014 at 5:23 pm. #

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